“The St John with Chris George at the helm was one of the highlights of my Passion season. He has the rare gift of showing authority whilst allowing the performer the space and artistic freedom to express their ideas. Impressive.”
— Matthew Brook, Bass
“Chris’s passionate intensity and dynamism is immense and, playing for him, you become swept away by that passion.”
— Justine Watts, Leader of Scottish Ballet
“I was struck by the complete engagement, coherence and clarity you brought. You shone new light on a piece which we’ve known and loved for a long time. Also, and this is unusual in conductors, you brought something new and enhanced to the performance. I really did enjoy it very much!”
— Nicholas Mulroy, Tenor
“Chris, you are a true, honest and wonderful musician. You’re like my musical brother!”
— Robin Ticciati, Conductor
“He conducts like it is all he has ever known. The rare combination of integrity and inspiration suggests to me that he is on a very special journey.”
— Joel Hunter, Principal Viola of Mahler Chamber Orchestra
“A performance with Chris is to be living truly in the moment. He manages with exhilarating honesty and faultless musicianship to remind us of music’s great importance in the world.’”
— Mia Cooper, Leader RTE Concert Orchestra
“.. a wonderfully inspiring conductor – so full of great ideas and positive energy!”
— Martin Storey, Principal Cello of BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra
“Chris, you are a hero!”
— Franz Bruggen
“… very much the musicians’ conductor. Chris knew instinctively how we work and the result was most rewarding for orchestra and audience alike.”
— John Bradbury, Principal Clarinet BBC Philharmonic Orchestra
“You two [with David Watkin, cello] make a very good team indeed.”
— Sir Charles Mackerras
“Chris is one of the most compelling and irresistible musicians I have ever met. His conducting has an urgency and a beauty … a real pleasure to play for.”
— Matthew Truscott, Leader of Mahler Chamber Orchestra and Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment
“… a first class musician of wide experience who is helping orchestras to play wonderfully well.”
— Sir Roger Norrington
“I thoroughly enjoyed this fantastically paced and dramatic performance of the Johannes-Passion. I hope to get the chance to work for him again.”
— Alexandra Gibson, Mezzo
“Chris has a natural musicianship and a wonderful ear which delves deep into the most complex scores.”
— Juliet Bausor, Principal Flute of London Philharmonic Orchestra
“An inspirational Leader and Director, as a person Chris also has great integrity, warmth and humour.”
— Roy McEwan-Brown OBE, former Chief Executive of Scottish Chamber Orchestra
“It was a genuine pleasure to sing with conductor Christopher George. There is great musical knowledge and, best of all, true flair!”